In addition to improving the airway, we can include reduce or enlarge your nose with rhinoplasty, refine the shape of your nose tip, remove a onsierlijke bump your nose or change the angle between your nose and upper lip. Rhinoplasty can also correct a birth defect or a nose trauma.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Patient volunteered for a second opinion regarding the stigmatizing aspect of her nose.
Nose correction (revision rhinoplasty), wherein the septum was built up and the tip of the nose was rotated upward, and was placed further away from the face.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Patient was too coarse her nose.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Nose Surgery in which the angular aspect and the tilt was “sweetened” by placing a so-called spreader graft graft on the left side of the nose. The nose was lowered and the nose tip was refined and rotated slightly upward. You can come to the front view shows that the nose technically true actually still crooked but that the correction of the light-shadow ratios this is visually much less clear. The nose has become optically “boring” so that the other face parts such as eyes better justice to.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Patient sought correction of what she called a ‘hook-nosed’
Nose correction (rhinoplasty) wherein the hump was removed, the middle 1/3 part of the nose has been widened, and the tip was rotated upwards. The stigmatic aspect of this nose is gone, leaving the face more settled.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Patient sought correction of what they see as a ‘snub nose’ stamped.
Nose correction wherein the alar cartilages were reversed in order to change the concave (hollow) aspect in addition to the tip in a convex (convex) configuration. In addition, the nose tip was turned down and positioned closer to the lip. The partition was put right to improve the nose perishing equality as seen in bottom view.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Patient sought correction of the hump.
Nose correction wherein the hump was removed, the middle 1/3 part of the nose has been widened, and the tip was rotated slightly upwards. The nose is less sharp and more in balance with the face so the more attention has moved to the eyes.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Patient sought in particular refinement of the tip and a refinement of the overall picture.
From different angles can be seen that after the nose surgery (rhinoplasty) there is a better, finer tipvorm. At the bottom view shows that the pentagonal shape of the tip (boxy tip) has given way to a more pyramidal structure. The nose will appear smaller.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Patient was too coarse her nose.
Rhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty) with resection of the hump, changing the shape of the tip and upward rotation of the tip. It is striking how much the nose after surgery adopted a less prominent role in the face. The nose is more beautiful and therefore become less conspicuous.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Typical nose shape of Southern European Descent with humpvorming and downward rotation of the nose tip.
Rhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty) with resection of the hump with refinement and upward rotation of the nose tip. Also, the nasal passage was improved by correcting a tilt of the nasal septum.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD |
Patient was disturbed by the tilt of the nose.
Rhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty) in a patient with an asymmetrical face with an ‘attractive asymmetry “was created by correcting the tilt of the nose in relation to the upper lip. The nose tip was further rotated down and put back to the face causing the nostrils in front view are less visible.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Patient complained of striking nose tip.
Rhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty) which tilt was corrected and the nose was rotated down and put back into the face (deprojectie). Small operation, significantly more confident postoperatively.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Patient resented knobby nose tip.
Nose correction (rhinoplasty) in which only has improved the shape of the tip. The bifide aspect is gone and with it the shadow aspect between the light trapping tip portions.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Patient resented the coarse nose.
Rhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty), the nose tip was refined and put back into the face. Beautifully shows how after the nose surgery has adopted a less dominant position in the face.
surgeon: PJFM Lohuis MD PhD
Patient klaagde over scheefstand en verminderde neuspassage na een trauma in het verleden. Eerder geopereerd in een ander ziekenhuis.
Revisie neuscorrectie (revisie rhinoplastiek) waarbij het gefractureerde neustussenschot opnieuw werd opgebouwd en de neustip opwaarts werd geroteerd en ook meer van het gezicht af werd vastgezet (projectie). Effect goed zichtbaar bij zijaanzicht. Sterk verbeterde neusdoorgankelijkheid.
surgeon: Dr. P.J.F.M. Lohuis
Patient klaagde over brede, scheve neusrug. Wil graag kleinere neus.
Neuscorrectie (rhinoplastiek) waarbij de neus werd verkleind door de neusrug te verlagen en te versmallen. Bij onderaanzicht is ook het effect van de correctie van het neustussenschot zichtbaar.
surgeon: Dr. P.J.F.M. Lohuis
Patient klaagde over haar grove aspect neus en verminderde neuspassage.
Neuscorrectie (rhinoplastiek) met humpresectie, vermeerderen van het volume van het middelste 1/3e deel van de neus en verfijning van de tip. De functie van de neusklep was verbeterd. In onderaanzicht na de neusoperatie een pyramidestructuur in plaats van de grof ogende vijfhoekige structuur.
surgeon: Dr. P.J.F.M. Lohuis
Patient klaagde over misvorming rechter neusgat.
Neuscorrectie (rhinoplastiek) waarbij slechts door middel van een correctie van het neustussenschot de deformiteit kon worden gecorrigeerd.
surgeon: Dr. P.J.F.M. Lohuis
Patient klaagde over scheve, scherpe neus en verminderde neuspassage.
Neuscorrectie (rhinoplastiek) met vermeerderen van het volume van het middelste 1/3e deel van de neus en terugzetten van de neustip naar het gezicht. De neuspassage werd verbeterd. In onderaanzicht is na de neusoperatie sprake van een betere symmetrie van de neusgaten.
surgeon: Dr. P.J.F.M. Lohuis
Patient klaagde over benige richel van de rechter neusrug.
Neuscorrectie (rhinoplastiek) met slechts een kleine humpresectie en bijwerken van de benige richel via endonasale benadering.
surgeon: Dr. P.J.F.M. Lohuis